Below is an overview of the steps for adding email feed discovery to DNS. For example, if the user's email address ends with a DNS entry for the WVD is added to the domain.
The host record is added to the user's email domain, and the corresponding DNS entry for the domain directs the client to the WVD feed URL. This is an easier method for end users that uses a host record added to DNS to facilitate WVD feed discovery. The second option is to enable email feed discovery. URLs are complicated to type, and some devices don't allow copying and pasting between applications. Locating WVD resources by the feed URL is a viable option, but users may find it cumbersome. The first is by entering the feed URL into the client. There are two options available for the clients to locate the WVD service. Credentials can be cached in the web browser to minimize user sign-in. The first sign-in is to Azure AD and the second is to the Active Directory domain. The double sign-in is necessary, as the user signs into two systems.